We analyze the past and present to focus the future. By means of a suitable professional management that it includes, not only the purely agronomic questions we obtain an information exaustiva, complete and veráz that allows us to analyze the annual profitability of every center of production, as well as the general costs, in order to know perfectly the different profitabilities offers us the exploitation and to be able to possess trustworthy management tools to plan the future. It is a question of an integral management, in which we analyze and control everything what carries the management responsible for an agricultural exploitation and what is guaranteed I complete of the in force regulation. The Administration of an agricultural company supposes:
- Supervision of the insurances of Civil, Employer Responsibility, multirisk, insurances of the vehicles and agricultural machinery, as well as ITV’s technical reviews and his inscription in BLUNT.
- Adequacy of a Plan of Labor Risks and control of his fulfillment.
- Control of the elimination of the residues generated in the exploitation, according to the regulation environmental way.
- Legalization of warehouses of fuel.
- Legalization of rafts.
- Review and study of the rates of light, telephone, etc. In order to raise more economic and effective alternatives.
- Follow-up of the processes initiated of Helps, investments, etc.
- Reviews of the Technical Plans of Hunt, presentation of annual Memories, Plans of prevention of Fires …
- Exploitation of hunting resources in a manner consistent with all other uses, for maximum sustainable income of the Farm and the future viability of the operation.
- Accounting Management, by executing an analytical accounting by production centers. Checking invoices and work reports.
- Administrative management, accounting administration is a process that is basically organizes, coordinate and control the entire administrative process. (Control of banks, control payments and receipts, and comparison with the individual invoices…).
- Determining the needs of financial resources: the needs approach, description of available resources, provision of the resources and calculation of external financing needs.
- Achieving funding according to its most beneficial way.
- The Analysis regarding the economic and financial viability of investments.